Dielocroce (chobauti ?) ''Threadwing'' on top of fish food one night. Akiva
11th, birds pretty much as 12th.. agama lizard on rubble, long masonry slab late afternoon.
great tits, hobby good view in flight.
12 June
''Blue tuft'' thistle just starting to bloom today, also some florets out on some of the globe thistles.
Syrian woodpeckers, Prinias very active and vocal in many locations, jays active, some calls. collared doves, some coos but no turtle doves heard today, greenfinches chaws and twitters in look out corner area, masked shrike in the Pistacia orchard, north east end, ring neck parakeet calls in the eucs and a few grazing gazelle in north fields.
bulbuls active and vocal lately, calls of their juveniles heard too. Starting to call shortly before five in the mornings , and in garden late afternoon.. also active edge of neighbourhoods, along water courses.
sunbird heard in garden, also spotted hoopoe corner area. No hoopoes seen for sure there today but did see hoopoe on burnt part of bank, near ramp.
Hooded crows about, active and vocal, as house sparrows, laughing doves, don't recall jackdaw today. feral pigeons seen about.
hobby calls near bat cave, kestrel in flight over north east field.
gazelle north field , several grazing, females and well grown young. Two more by small olive orchard
Tues June 19th
Last few days temps on walk just under 30 degrees, humidity about 50%, light north westerlies.
female and quite young gazelle in Pistacia, also an adult male. Yesterday long horned adult male east field, just south of small olive grove. Several gazelle seen in north watercourse area , eucalyptus and open area.
small flock bee-eaters eucalyptus grove just south east of cistern, great tits, Prinias, syrian woodpeckers, Eurasian jays all active and vocal. Greenfinches not yet when we were out today but have been heard chawing and twitterng towards sunset lately.
cooing collared and turtle doves yesterday but not today. Kestrel pair on north hillside up from bat cave regularly, using lines for look outs between hovers. occasional hobby calls in same area lately.. seems they are quite tolerant of each other, have not noticed any hostilities.. don't consider each other significant competition despite proximity, different prey choices.
hyrax youngsters near ramp, quite confiding, curious, not so afraid, one gazed at me today from about five feet, photographed a couple of days ago..
hoopoes quite regular around hoopoe corner now.. today one flying to and fro over open patch as if deciding where to land, finally selected lower branch of pine tree, relatively open.
garden: bulbuls from about ten to, quarter to five still dark before dawn, sunbirds esp around sunset, house sparrows, laughing doves.