Don't you love 'before' and 'after' pics? This is part of east valley by the watercourse taken after the devastation of the fire 13th May 2008. Below same view.. today!:) click on them for best appreciation.
White Storks still about and some were settling in early in eucalyptus by the east valley trail, and flying hither and thither between woods, fields and north hill. Stone curlews heard. Bee-eaters over east valley quite high around sunset in small groups. Great tits and greenfinches active, calling. Common Swifts working the air over east field. Whistles around east field told us Tristram's grackles about somewhere but we didn't find them. Great spotted cuckoo also calling in east valley. Eurasian jays & graceful warblers also active and vocal, esp latter.
Silence of the Syrian woodpeckers is noteworthy.. no calls at all lately.. just breeding season furtiveness?
Sunbirds and white spectacled bulbuls vocal in the garden as well as blackbird and laughing dove and of course, house sparrows. Jackdaws, hooded crows and feral pigeons about as usual.
Weather: Time of walk, shortly after 6 p.m. ~22 degrees C, humidity just 19%, wind ESE almost still. Range: 11-22 degrees C
These beautiful tiny white gems were growing amongst the Spanish stonecrop on a rough old cartroad leading up to east field by the Pistaccio orchard. I also took a pic of the former stonecrop and replaced the blurred pic back in #418
Myst. pic solution. The beautiful diamond dove Geopelia cuneata, a tiny Australian dove just ~20 cm long, that's a little smaller than an American robin. These were my birds back when I was into aviculture. I kept a range of finches and small parrots and bred some of them. Close up of the upper wing covert spots was reminiscent of sparkling diamonds, no? that was my hint.

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